520 W. 23rd St. Los Angeles, Ca. 90007 losangeles@publicallies.org 213-763-2520 x.246

Hearts Of South Central: Narratives of Gentrification and Health Part 5

Public Allies, Los Angeles Class 2017-2018 Team Service Project


For this year’s 2017-2018 Public Allies Los Angeles cohort, one of our Team Service Projects focused on the effects of gentrification on health. We will be publishing a series of interviews, poem, and infographics created and conducted by Allies that capture community member experiences from South Central Los Angeles.

These collective poems, interviews, and narratives provide insight on the impacts of gentrification and displacement on the health of South Central residents.


Effects of Gentrification on Health

We understand that gentrification changes the landscape of a community and has deep impacts on housing, jobs and transportation. But what about Health? The infographic below shows how gentrification affects the health of community residents, as identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.